Giving Recognition to boys and girls deemed most worthy of the high qualities of citizenship and true Americanism

The American Legion School Award Medal Program is a project coordinated by the National Americanism Commission. This project has been in effect for many years through Legion Departments, Districts and Posts--including Naperville Post 43.
The Award Medal represents the educational symbolism of the School Award Medal Program and associates it with the American Legion and its purposes. It is awarded to boys and girls in the graduating class of elemen​tary, junior and senior high schools, and colleges.
The three objectives of this program are:
Place emphasis on the development of the qualities of Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship, and Service.
Develop those ideals of Americanism among young people which will make them citizens of the highest type
Give recognition through the award of American Legion School Award Medals to boys and girls who are deemed most worthy of the high qualities of citizenship and of true Americanism.
Letters inviting participation in the project are e-mailed to parochial schools, District 203 and 204 junior and senior highs and alternative schools, local colleges, and several Lisle schools. The letters include more information on the first objective. Naperville Post 43 offers to perform the presentation of the awards for each recipient.
Faculty of each school meet to nominate students based on the objective’s definitions. Final decisions are sent to the Naperville Post 43 in a form letter. Post 43 will coordinate presentations, certificates, medals, and the volunteer presenters.
Last year Naperville Post 43 awarded forty-seven American Legion School Award Medals to local students.
For more information contact
Nadia Baran

“This is the highest honor awarded to American Youth by The American Legion. It is a medal that proclaims to the world you are the kind of person that we, the comrades of men and women who gave their lives in battle, believe worthy of such honor. It is our desire that wherever you go, and whatever you do, you will always be guided by the highest ideals.”
Bravery in the face of opposition and danger; determination and force to do right without public applause and regardless of personal advantage. A quality of the intellect.
Highly-developed moral character; moral excellence; strength and stability of character; high standards of conduct; devotion to duty; adherence to truth; keen sense of what is right; practice of clean speech and thoughts.
Ability to lead and to accomplish through group action; ability to work in harmony and in unison with other leaders in accomplishing group results; desire and ability to fill the voids in the lives of others caused by timidity, illness and other handicaps.
An ideal of loyal Americanism, religious tolerance, righteous freedom and the willingness to defend our Flag against all enemies – foreign and domestic. Perhaps best defined in the American’s Creed.
Attainments in school studies, quality of school work reflecting the fine traits of industry; perseverance efficiency and intelligence.
Kindliness; unselfishness; fellowship; protection of the weak; promotion of the interests and the welfare of associates, and, constructive aid for the upbuilding of schools and of community.