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Membership Programs

Naperville American Legion Post 43


Annual Dues Programs

Effective 1-1-16

American Legion Logo
Annual Membership Dues

This is the most widely used Program for active dues paying members.   Current annual dues are $50, from which the Post pays member “per-capita” to both Department and National.



American Legions Paid up for Life (PUFL)


This is a National American Legion Program where members can pay for a “Life Membership” in the American Legion and is based on age.  Visit for more information.


Naperville Post 43 “Honorary Life Membership” Program


This is a special program that pays the annual dues for members living in the Naperville area, are a member of Post 43 for at least one year, and had served during WW II (Dec. 7th, 1941-Dec. 31st, 1946).  This same privilege applies to those that served during the Korean War (Jun. 25th, 1950-Jan. 31st, 1955).   We also pay the annual dues for any members that are a current member of the American Legion Post 43 and have been a member of the American Legion for 50 years or more.


Active Duty, Active National Guard and Reserves


Post 43 will pay the annual dues of any member serving full time on Active Duty regardless of branch or location served;  and for Active Guardsmen/Reservists that attend monthly drills and are subject to activation.   They must want to become a member of the American Legion Post 43 and be from this area.


Hardship Cases


In the event a current Post 43 member is experiencing a personal “hardship” and is unable to pay dues, Post 43 will pay his/her annual dues as long as this situation continues while he/she resides in the Naperville area.


Department  “5-Year Program”


Current Post members  may purchase a 5 year membership for the price of 4 years.   Currently with Annual dues @ $50, members that pay for 4 years or $200, will get the 5th year FREE, a savings of 20% on dues over the 5 year period.

Naperville American Legion Post 43

Mailing Address:    P.O. Box 4, Naperville, Illinois  60566


Number: 630-904-0602

Larger membership meetings and Dinner/Socials held at: 
  Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873, 
908 W  Jackson,  Naperville, IL  60540


Meetings of Trustees, Executive Committee, other committees, Boy Scouts, and the Oratorical Contest are held at the Post Home at 10 W. Chicago Ave., Naperville, IL 60540

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