The Honor Guard is a 12 member combined squad from American Legion Post 43 and VFW Post 3873. Our responsibility is performing graveside Military Honors Service for deceased veterans as designated by the Department of Defense - Military Honors Program. The Honor Guard was certified in October 2015 after completion of extensive training, which consisted of: Rifle Drill Instruction, Proper Salutes, Flag Folding and TAPS – all under the guidance of the D.O.D. - Military Honors Program. We also, participate in Community Service events when called upon. These events are typically recognition (Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Parades, and Special Ceremonies). All veterans are provided and recognized with a Military Honors Service (graveside). The most vital factor of receiving this service is for the veteran/veteran’s family to provide a copy of your DD214 to the Funeral Home.
Jim Oftedal at 630-357-4030