"We embrace all veterans as our family members not only
as part of our post,
but as the entire local community."
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Naperville American Legion Post #43
2023-24 Activities and Financial Support Given
Ongoing Presentations of Certificates for Korean War/Cold War Veterans
Monthly Visits to Hines VA Hospital
Monthly Saturday Morning Visits with Veterans at four Independent Living Centers
Donated $1,000 to Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans
Donated $1,500 to “Gifts for the Yanks”
Donated to “Operation Caramel Corn” thru Nuts and Sweets of Naperville
Solicited Poppy Donations of over $4,900 in Support of “Operation Comfort Warrior”
Contributed to the American Legion National Emergency Fund
Held 7 Dinner/Socials for Members, Spouses and Guests
Provided Volunteers and Funds to “DuPage Veterans Foundation” for Honor Flight Chicago
Attended Veterans’ Wakes, Rendering Them a Final Salute & Recognition of their Service
Presented Post #43 Citizens of the Year Awards
Contributed to School Districts 203 & 204 Programs
Our “Keeping Posted” Post newsletter has been a Department winner 8 of the last 10 years
Post 43 American Legion “Riders” Chapter now has over 50 members, who raise money for the American Legion Annual “Legacy Ride” from Nation HDQ to National Convention
Sponsor Boy Scout Troop #510 and Scout Troop 507
Sent 7 Boys to Illinois Premier Boys State
Sent 18 Girls to Illini Girls State
Sponsored Little League Baseball Team
Held Speech Contest for Local Jr. High Students - Presented Monetary Awards
Provided 3-$3000 Scholarship Awards for High School Seniors
Held Oratorical Contest for High School Students - Presented Monetary Awards
Presented the American Legion School Award Medallion & Certificate to 50 Students
Participated in the Annual American Legion Lincoln Pilgrimage in Springfield, IL
Supported the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund
Supported the VFW Children’s Home
Co-Sponsored Naperville Memorial Day Activities and Parade
Participated in all Naperville Patriotic Celebrations and Memorial Events, including members inclusion in numerous school programs during Veterans Day week
Decorated approximately 2500 Veterans Gravesites in Naperville & surrounding Cemeteries for Memorial Day
Post members are active in District, Division, and Department Commissions and Committees