Americanism Essay Contest

About the contest
The American Legion Department of Illinois,
American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion are cosponsors of this AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST.
It's purpose is to aid the schools of Illinois in the teaching of AMERICANISM and GOOD CITIZENSHIP.
CLASS I - 7th and 8th grades
CLASS II - 9th and 10th grades
CLASS III - 11th and 12th grades
All contestants must be a lawful permanent resident of the United States of America and a bona fide student in a Junior or Senior High School.
Home schooled will be competing at their own grade level according to age.
Eligible participants in the contest shall be citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States.
Competition will be at Naperville Post 43 and continue on to the Auxiliary District and Division level.
Contest Rules
Essay entry must include:
Title page with Essay subject name on it
Students name and home address (including city and state)
Grade in school
Name of school
Name of sponsoring Post (Post 43)
ALL the above information MUST PRECEDE THE ESSAY!
The essay shall be no more than 500 words in length (not counting a, an, and, the).
The essay may be either typed or written in ink on regular theme paper.
No decorative borders, pictures or other graphics.
Pages must be numbered at the center bottom, starting with the first page of the essay and paper clipped together. (PLEASE No staples
All essays must be submitted to a local American Legion Post.
2024 THEME
"Why am I proud to be an American"

1. Content
A. Originality and Presentation 25
B. Relation to topic 15
C. Essay must be factual 10
2. Organization of Subject Matter
A. Unity (avoid irrelevant matter) 10
B. Emphasis (good proportion and arrangement of parts) 10
C. Coherence (clearness) 10
3. Correct Usage
A. Choice of words (free from overused expressions) 10
B. Effective sentences (correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and neatness) 10
The essay must reach the local American Legion Post by:
FEBRUARY 1, 2024
All Illinois School students in the 7th and 8th grades and Junior and Senior High School are invited to participate in this contest.
The contest is divided into the following three classes.
CLASS I - 7th and 8th grades
CLASS II - 9th and 10th grades
CLASS III - 11th and 12th grade
How to Submit
Thank you for your interest in the Americanism Essay Contest.
The essay must reach the local American Legion Post:
Submit electronically in either Word or pdf format to:
Americanism Essay Contest PO Box 4 Naperville, IL 60566